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Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
7 Things you must give up this year
Give up on time traveling, renounce the habit of doing things tomorrow. Who in the world gets anything done today when they have 365...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
Heavy heart. Broken spirit. Shattered hope! He knelt right there, in the same garden where hope was created. The same ground upon which...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
I hope your hurricane misses you! But if not…
“I will … transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.” – God in Hosea 2 vs 15 Hurricane Mathew! The most powerful storm to...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
The little gift that made a difference
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”- Pablo Picasso In a town called the valley of gifts...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
CHRIST in ME the hope of GLORY unlimited!
Sometimes I get lost in powerful jolts of reminiscence over the beautiful things I have accomplished, the horrible mistakes I have made,...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Steal My Show
Morning after morning I slump into my spot at the driver’s seat, take my car wheel and mutter a few words of prayer I have known to be...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
While I breathe, I hope!
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” King David attributed existence to purpose! Psalm 118:17 & 71: 18 both...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
Mama! Are you crazy?
God might take you down but He will never let you down The eagle is majestic bird that has caught my awe since I was a little boy! The...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Road Romance
At exactly 6.05 a.m., I woke up the girls! 6.29 a.m. – breakfast served. Egg and muffin it was, no time for a ceremonious full English...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
2016- A Clean Slate
As a kid, I learnt how to write using a slate and chalk. Prone to mistakes as a young writer, the slate suited me well! I was never...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
The Irony of a King
He was born under a travelling star On a very dark and silent night, his star would not brighten the night His birth, even though shouted...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Bus chasers,Dream catchers
A number of times I have found myself in a seemly comical position: hands frantically up in the air, heels almost touching back head,...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
My spring will come, I will blossom again!
Spring of 2014 I bought a young happy cherry tree from the nursery. Her deep green leaves were a definite indication to the amount of...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
My hands are dirty I dare not lift them up to the heavens, yet God sees me as a States man of his country. My tongue is uncultured and my...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
GRACE made all things NEW
After a little hesitation, his mother abruptly dashed forward with a certain urgency of the moment together with the viciousness of a...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
Ocean Deep
“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: …the way of a man with a maid…” Even King Solomon in...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
Steal My Show
Morning after morning I slump into my spot at the driver’s seat, take my car wheel and mutter a few words of prayer I have known to be...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Thy Rod and the Staff they Comfort Me- Narrative of a Sheep (Psalm 23) part 3
A Blacksmith is known by his fire, a sailor is known by his maps, a warrior is known by his sword,so also a shepherd is recognized by his...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
The Lion, the Bear & the Shepherd – Narrative of a Sheep (Psalm 23) – PART 2
Going further down to verse 2 of Psalm 23, the sheep went further in this narrative to describe it’s many adventures with the Shepherd-...
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