He was born under a travelling star
On a very dark and silent night, his star would not brighten the night
His birth, even though shouted from the top of a thousand hills in angelic tones
Attracted no one but three travellers and a star from the east
And so the night of his birth remained silent still

He was promised as a King to his own,
A King before whom none compares, He was promised as the King of kings
Kings on earth have kingdoms, Herod the great sits on his throne.
Even birds in the sky have nests to lie
But in a manger, soiled in pig’s ruts and swaddled in hay he lays

Of endless reign and of David’s throne his Kingdom was said to span
Yet no royal blood ran in his veins, not even the carpenter’s
Oh how quickly the rumours of a King to be born in Bethlem turned to songs of a bastard born in the city of David

Peace on earth and good will to man for the prince of peace is born – the angels sing
Yet another song was heard in Ramah
Wailing, weeping & mourning – means no peace on earth
Herod the great has killed tens of babies
Because the prince of peace was born

A humble birth on a silent night the light of the world was born
God’s gift to us came in the most fragile package; as helpless and vulnerable as a child the saviour came to us
For angelic warnings and visions seen by men and kings
Herod the King at the snap of his finger could kill the baby God
For me, for you and for us all God came to us so weak and vulnerable

He set the times and seasons, but the one who created the stars will not shine
The King who bears the earth and the heavens in his hands
In mortals’ hands is laid to sleep
Fully mortal and fully vulnerable, Christ Jesus fits the bill
How mortal can mortal be, that our saviour has not been
Like me, like you and like us all, the saviour was born as child this day