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Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Why seek the living among the dead?
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said to them, Why seek you the living among the dead? Luke 24: 5 I...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
It is finished
The soldiers heard him yell, “it is finished”. And then, he gave up the ghost. The light of the world was dead. Darkness ensued. Heavens...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Behold, I make All Things New
After a little hesitation, she abruptly dashed forward with a certain urgency. She seemed wild as a bear robbed of her cub. As she...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Becoming Like Christ
In the Garden of Eden, the serpent tapped into Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God to deceive them into disobedience. He crossed his...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
The little gift that made a difference
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”- Pablo Picasso In a town called the valley of gifts...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
CHRIST in ME the hope of GLORY unlimited!
Sometimes I get lost in powerful jolts of reminiscence over the beautiful things I have accomplished, the horrible mistakes I have made,...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Steal My Show
Morning after morning I slump into my spot at the driver’s seat, take my car wheel and mutter a few words of prayer I have known to be...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
While I breathe, I hope!
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” King David attributed existence to purpose! Psalm 118:17 & 71: 18 both...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
Mama! Are you crazy?
God might take you down but He will never let you down The eagle is majestic bird that has caught my awe since I was a little boy! The...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Bus chasers,Dream catchers
A number of times I have found myself in a seemly comical position: hands frantically up in the air, heels almost touching back head,...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
My spring will come, I will blossom again!
Spring of 2014 I bought a young happy cherry tree from the nursery. Her deep green leaves were a definite indication to the amount of...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
My hands are dirty I dare not lift them up to the heavens, yet God sees me as a States man of his country. My tongue is uncultured and my...
Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
The Lord is my Shepherd – Narrative of a Sheep (Psalm 23) PART 1
The ‘Fulani’ are a tribe regarded as the shepherds of Africa. Growing up in Africa as kid I remember night after night spent under the...
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