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Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
A Window of Transparency
As adults, most of us have experienced the excitement of purchasing a vehicle. Yes, we endure the pesky tactics of the car salesman and...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Becoming Like Christ
In the Garden of Eden, the serpent tapped into Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God to deceive them into disobedience. He crossed his...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Road Romance
At exactly 6.05 a.m., I woke up the girls! 6.29 a.m. – breakfast served. Egg and muffin it was, no time for a ceremonious full English...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
Ocean Deep
“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: …the way of a man with a maid…” Even King Solomon in...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
Steal My Show
Morning after morning I slump into my spot at the driver’s seat, take my car wheel and mutter a few words of prayer I have known to be...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Thy Rod and the Staff they Comfort Me- Narrative of a Sheep (Psalm 23) part 3
A Blacksmith is known by his fire, a sailor is known by his maps, a warrior is known by his sword,so also a shepherd is recognized by his...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
The Lion, the Bear & the Shepherd – Narrative of a Sheep (Psalm 23) – PART 2
Going further down to verse 2 of Psalm 23, the sheep went further in this narrative to describe it’s many adventures with the Shepherd-...
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