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CHRIST in ME the hope of GLORY unlimited!

Olumide Afolabi

Sometimes I get lost in powerful jolts of reminiscence over the beautiful things I have accomplished, the horrible mistakes I have made, dreams that came through, hopes that have been dashed, the lives I have impacted and those I was destined to impact but failed to say hello to. Through the highs and the lows of my eventful life so far, this one thing I have learned – my life here on earth is NOT all about ME. My success, my failure, my past, my present and ultimately my future is not all about me – it is all about GOD.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” Philippians 2 vs. 13 Just like God’s child Job, and solely as an actor, I am only acting the Divine script even though sometimes circumstances and situations in life force me to forget my pickup lines in the Divine drama.

As I race through the calm & storms of life, one thing remains as certain as the northern star in a darkened night – Christ in me is the hope of glory!

God is not helped by my successes, neither is He hindered by my failures. My history & my status is nothing but a similitude of a single drop of water in His vast ocean. Christ in me is not limited by my achievements, my failures do not border His potency, in the valleys of my life He is King, and in the mountains of my life, He is the Lord. He is not limited by my story and surely not by my mistakes.

See, there is nothing in the caterpillar today that says it will be a butterfly tomorrow, nothing in my history holds my future for there is a power that works in me and that power alone holds my future, that power alone holds my life and with that power alone I can face tomorrow!” No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”1 Corinthians 2 vs. 9

I won’t limit God because He is without one! My ability or inability does not inhibit His power in me. God is the ultimate strength of my life; I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me. And therefore, my future is bright so much that when I look into it, it burns my eyes. The unlimited Christ in me is the hope of unlimited glory here, beyond and world without end! Amen!


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