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Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
4 Ways God Responds to your Prayers
His disciples came to him and asked that he teach them to pray. Jesus replied, “when you pray, say, our father, who art in heaven…”...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
5 Reasons why God is not your Grandfather.
I grew up in a tight-knit family with both grandparents a very visible knot in the loop. My grandfather will travel hundreds of miles...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Worship in War
The story of the man by the pool of Bethesda reminds me of the stark reality that life is a fight and we cannot afford to wait till the...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
The Story of a Perfect God using Imperfect people.
Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” Numbers...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
6 Attributes of a Good Father
So on this Father’s day, I say Happy Father’s day to all Fathers around the world. Fathers are definitely worth celebrating as families...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Marriage God's Way
I recently challenged myself to read at least two books each month to broaden my knowledge and improve myself in certain areas of life....

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
6 Intentional Choices You can Make in Life.
I love the old Jamaican proverb, “What we ‘be’ (become) will be”. Now compare that to Day’s popular lyrics, “Whatever will be, will be.”...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
He will carry you on eagles wings.
Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft. Deuteronomy...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
11 Good Morning habits for a successful day
A day is a beautiful gift from God. Whenever we get one, we must learn to appreciate and use it well. We must receive each day knowing...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
A Window of Transparency
As adults, most of us have experienced the excitement of purchasing a vehicle. Yes, we endure the pesky tactics of the car salesman and...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
Why seek the living among the dead?
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said to them, Why seek you the living among the dead? Luke 24: 5 I...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
It is finished
The soldiers heard him yell, “it is finished”. And then, he gave up the ghost. The light of the world was dead. Darkness ensued. Heavens...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Behold, I make All Things New
After a little hesitation, she abruptly dashed forward with a certain urgency. She seemed wild as a bear robbed of her cub. As she...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
8 Bible verses that put Psalm 23 into perspectives
As a young boy, walking alone through dark alleys in my neighborhood, I remember how Psalm 23 served as my companion. As I recite this...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Becoming Like Christ
In the Garden of Eden, the serpent tapped into Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God to deceive them into disobedience. He crossed his...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
When God's Promises seem like Lies
Still childless at 100, God made the Abrahams a promise. On a star-studded night, God pointed to the heavens and solemnly swore to them,...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
A Season of Renewal
We always look for springtime as a refreshing time of year when we transition from the cold winter months and into the blooming of God’s...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
My spring will come & I will blossom again
Spring of 2014 I bought a young and happy cherry tree from the nursery. Her green leaves show the amount of care she received at the...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
9 Scriptures that prove God is crazy about you
Forbidden. Scandalous. Unthinkable. These words describe God’s love for you. If you are not scandalized by these bible verses, then you...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
3 Things you don't know about the DOLDRUMS
We were almost lost in the middle of the Pacific. We almost capsized in those doldrums. Robert Anderson picture from red bull adventure...
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