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Marriage God's Way

Olumide Afolabi

I recently challenged myself to read at least two books each month to broaden my knowledge and improve myself in certain areas of life. As a husband and Father, I have read a fair amount of books on marriage, but recently I received a book titled Marriage God’s way.

The writer, Scott LaPierre is a Father, a Blogger and a Pastor. Scott handed me a copy of his book in exchange for an honest review of the book.

How is ‘Marriage God’s way’ different from the other marriage books out there?

The answer is in the title of the book itself. Marriage is viewed through many spectacles today. The world’s view, the husband’s view, the wife’s view, the feminist’s view, and the expert’s view. That list is not exhaustive. But the one perspective that is constantly overlooked is also the most important, and that is God’s view!

Marriage God’s way reflects God’s view on marriage.


You cannot go astray reading this book because the principles and teachings are rooted in the scriptures. As you study the book, you should hold your bible in one hand, because there are lots and lots of Bible verses in the pages of this book.

Scriptures on headship and submission in marriage

Scriptures about the role of husband and wife in marriage

Scriptures on God’s design for marriage

Scriptures on intimacy in marriage

To know God’s view on marriage is to hear straight from the horse’s mouth. God founded marriage and his view on marriage is the most accurate.


I also found the book very practical. It is well in touch with reality. I found Scott’s practical tips and personal stories quite relatable. For example, his tips on handling frustrations in marriage in chapter two under “marriage problems are really symptoms “ works well for me.

“Instead of keeping a mental account of all that your spouse does wrong, remind yourself of your own struggles.”

I found this doable and realistic, and as a matter of fact, I now remind myself of my own struggles and how God is still working on me when I feel tempted to make a deposit into my spouse’s wrong deeds account.

My Aha Moments from Marriage God’s way.

Below are the ‘aha’ moments for me reading through Marriage God’s way. Enjoy!

#1- When we fail in our relationship with Christ, we fail in our marriage.

“We cannot please the Lord while failing in our marriage because our marriages are an outpouring of our relationship with Christ.”

Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? James 3: 12

Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Mathew 7:16b. Your marriage reflects your relationship with Christ.

#2- “Woman is the helper man needs because he is not sufficient without her!”

Even though I am not a lady, I found this section to very powerful! It is one of the most interesting revelations in the book. It talks about the place of the woman as a helper.

“The Hebrew word for helper is Ezer. It means “help” or “one who helps”. Guess who else has this title in the bible?

God our Ezer (helper): our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help (Ezer) and our shield. Psalm 33: 20

The Holy Spirit our Ezer (helper): I will pray the Father, and he will give you another helper.

So to all the ladies out there, go out with a swagger. Live like you are precious. You are privileged to be called a helper. You are not surplus to requirements, but essential to God’s purpose in marriage.

#3- Agape cannot be merited.

Scott described Agape (God’s Love) and all its characteristics including being unconditional and sacrificial.

“Agape is not affected by a person’s actions, looks, or possessions. Emotions come and go, but Agape cannot be merited.”

“Agape is not about feelings or emotions. It is a choice. It is an act of the will. This is important to keep in mind because we tend to think love is a feeling.”

As I read these word about Agape, I understood fully why marriages in the world today are failing. It is because most marriages today are built on emotions, possessions, feelings and not agape- unconditional love.

Christ loves the church, his bride, unconditionally. God demands that spouses love each other unconditionally.


My opinion on marriage God’s way? Read it! Marriage is always work in progress. So if you are seeking to improve yours or understand its design and intent, marriage God’s way is the right book. Well written, and rooted in the scriptures, this makes it a must read.

Let me know what you think below about my review of the book and if you had a chance to read the book, please share your aha moments below. I will be looking forward to hearing from you.



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