Like a Queen in her glory or colony, mothers are a key part of the family. As a matter of fact, mothers are the heart of the family. We know families in turn make up the society, so there had be no society without the MOTHER.
So this mother's day, I share 6 attributes of a mother found in the letters of the word 'MOTHER'.

M- Mighty

Strong, brave, courageous, and mighty, those words describe a mother. It takes all that and more to carry a child in you for 9 months, raise them up and unconditionally love them with no end date.
So, here is to all the mighty women called mothers out there, may we know them, may we be them and may we raise them.
O- Outstanding

A mother’s love is unparalleled; it stands out even in a million. No one replaces a mother; she is one and only in the life of her kid.
A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. Cardinal Mermillon
T- Teacher

Yes, a mother is a teacher of life. She teaches the hard lessons. The kind no other teacher teaches, and then she gets no pay or appreciation. She models high life for her kids.
They say life does not come with a manual; it comes with a mother.
H- Hopeful

Stubbornly hopeful. Hope radiates all over her. Her words spell hope. Her tears stream hope. Hope for her family. Hope for the rebellious child.
Even when she is worried, she is full of hope.
E- Emotional

Emotional, yet the rock. A mother is full of emotion and compassion for her own, even the prodigals. Only a mother would cheer on the kid who puts the ball in his own team’s net.
I have seen a lot of mothers at soccer practice.
Only a mother would cheer on the kid who puts the ball in his own team’s net.
R- Reliable

Mothers are certainly a superhero, even though they come in different costumes. You can count on them to be there. Every teeny weeny one is nurtured into age because Mama was there. In Mama, there is always a shoulder for every family member to lean on even when those shoulders are frail.
Mothers are certainly a superhero, even though they come in different costumes.
PS. Mama is the nickname for mothers.
Thanks for reading.
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My list is not exhaustive, so please share in the comment box below other qualities you have seen in a mother. I'd love to hear from you.