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Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
The Story of a Perfect God using Imperfect people.
Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” Numbers...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
He will carry you on eagles wings.
Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft. Deuteronomy...

Olumide Afolabi
5 min read
8 Bible verses that put Psalm 23 into perspectives
As a young boy, walking alone through dark alleys in my neighborhood, I remember how Psalm 23 served as my companion. As I recite this...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
Becoming Like Christ
In the Garden of Eden, the serpent tapped into Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God to deceive them into disobedience. He crossed his...

Olumide Afolabi
4 min read
My spring will come & I will blossom again
Spring of 2014 I bought a young and happy cherry tree from the nursery. Her green leaves show the amount of care she received at the...

Olumide Afolabi
3 min read
7 Things you must give up this year
Give up on time traveling, renounce the habit of doing things tomorrow. Who in the world gets anything done today when they have 365...

Olumide Afolabi
2 min read
Heavy heart. Broken spirit. Shattered hope! He knelt right there, in the same garden where hope was created. The same ground upon which...
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